Forest codes of practice

Table of Contents


FAO Forestry Paper No. 133

Contributing to environmentally sound forest operations

IUFRO - International Union of Forestry Research Organizations

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Edited by
Dennis P. Dykstra
Center for International Forestry Research
Bogor, Indonesia
Rudolf Heinrich
Chief, Forest Harvesting, Trade and Marketing Branch
FAO Forestry Department

Proceedings of an FAO/IUFRO Meeting of Experts on Forest Practices
Feldafing, Germany
11-14 December 1994

The opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions on the part of FAO.

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ISBN 92-5-103923-2

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© FAO 1996

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Table of Contents


The FAO programme on environmentally sound forest harvesting operations

A brief overview of the proposed FAO model code of forest harvesting practice

ISO standards on machinery forestry

CATIE's contribution to sustainable forest management in the humid tropical forests of Central America

The IUFRO position on sustainable management of tropical forests

The Oregon Forest Practice Act: 1972 to 1994

Fiji national code of logging practice

New Zealand forestry and the forest code of practice

British Columbia forest practices code

Forest harvesting and environment in Austria

The South African harvesting code of practice

Guidelines on logging practices for the hill forest of peninsular Malaysia

The development of a code of practice for forest roading

A review of forest practice codes in Australia

Lessons from California's Forest Practice Act

Integrating research, policy, and practice for forest resource protection

Programme of work FAO/IUFRO meeting of experts on forest practices